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tesseract-ocr-en: compilation and installation   

posledná zmena: 24. March 2012

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Before installing of tesseract you need to install leptonica library. Recent version 1.65 has one problem (should be solved in next version): it has local copy of jpeglib.h file from library jpeg6.2. If you system has recent version of jpeg library (e.g. 8.0a) leptonica library (tesseract) will not work with jpeg files. Quick solution is to remove jpeglib.h and replace is by system file. E.g. if you have source of leptonica in /usr/src you run this commands:

$ rm /usr/src/leptonlib-1.65/src/jpeglib.h
$ ln -s /usr/include/jpeglib.h /usr/src/leptonlib-1.65/src/jpeglib.h

If you want to create&install static library can do it by:

$ ./runautoconf
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

If you prefer shared library you can run

$ make -f makefile SHARED=yes shared

But you must install it (including header files) manually.

Other information can be find in leptonica README.html file.

tesseract 3.00

tesseract 3.00 is available only as source code in svn repository at the moment. If you do not know how to use svn you can download package tesseract-ocr-r319.tar.gz with English language file only. Other language files can be downloaded from svn directory directly.

To build tesseract run:

$ ./runautoconf
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Warning: make will create dummy (empty) language files for missing languages! These files will not work! You have to download them and out to tessdata directory (or create your own).

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